Novel Living Skin active ingredients

Unlocking new and unique positioning and skin benefits

Pioneering skin-natural Pro- and Postbiotics in skincare

Novel active ingredients from selected true skin microbiome commensal Cutibacterium acnes strains.

Scientifically advanced approach

Cutibiotics™ from true skin microbiome commensal C. acnes strains for cosmetic applications.

Our products

CutiNaturalis™ Probiotic

Helps restore the natural balance of the skin microbiome

CutiNaturalis™ probiotic is a unique live bacterial strain that is naturally and abundantly found on the skin and isolated from healthy individuals. This skincare active helps restore the facial skin microbiome natural balance when it has been altered by external factors. These could be environmental stressors, the use of harsh compounds (e.g., disinfectants), or the use of certain cosmetics (e.g., cleansers).

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